About Life Ministries

Harvester David Smith

I love to see signs. wonders, and miracles, but the greatest miracle of all is someone receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

We are based out of Okemah UPC, Okemah OK. With my wife Carlen and children Camille, Mikail, Spenser and Alecia "CiCi", we wish you all of God's blessings.


Praise Reports


Faith Tabernacle

In the seed offering that happened when you came. One girl gave $30.00 and before the next Sunday she got a $300.00 bonus. She got a raise and her boss told her if they could do one million dollars in sales in one month he would buy her a new Lexus convertible.

We have had two girls that have gotten raises. Another got a new job at a bank.

Another couple put $50.00 in the seed offering the husband got a raise on his job. Him and one other man on his job gets 1 day of overtime a week and they are the only ones allowed to do this. They got a 150.00 blessing from the electric company and they had rented a u-haul truck and wound up getting the truck for free & and half the gas was free. ($250.00 blessing) About 6 weeks ago the man got a $300.00 bonus and another $120.00. This same couple was in service when you preached that God could do anything and they prayed that night that God would help them sell their house and within a week it sold.

Another man who was not even in the seed offering service but is a tremendous giver, got a $7000.00 check from his company that they found out they owed him due to something with his 401k.

During all this time one of our good men got a call from a company and they offered him and incredible deal, a huge raise and a company truck with expenses paid. This couple then turned around and gave a home mission’s pastor a truck that they had just not long before paid off.

Our assistant pastor got a raise on his job.

We have new visitors coming out of the wood work as they say. People are being healed and filled with the Holy Ghost.

One of our head leader’s wife’s pituitary gland quit working and she almost died. Then she had to be on all sorts of medications and they were affecting her mentally. She came down for prayer in a service, we prayed for her and God completely healed her and her doctor confirmed it.

One lady had boils and God healed them.

Ken Smith